Comments on: 31 Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once and Enjoy for Years Gardening made easy, life made simpler. Sat, 11 May 2024 17:43:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kay Harvey Sat, 11 May 2024 17:43:36 +0000 Where did you get the seed to the tree kale and the nine star broccoli and the Lima bean phaseolus lunatic?

By: Annalisa Gojmerac Fri, 02 Feb 2024 15:12:32 +0000 hey, I just discovered your site online and love it as it’s very practical. Much of this I know already and theres also plenty of unfamiliar stuff in here that you make very easy to learn. It’s not an over whelming amount information on each plant, which makes it easier or me to determine what can be planted where, and with what accompanying companion plant! I primarily clean out vacant urban lots in York PA and put in urban gardens ( community gardens) but I usually end up doing most of the work as there’s a lot of elderly folks who cant do what they used to do, physically. I specifically look for plants that are very good at removing toxic ingredients in urban soils, ( sunflowers) and love perennials as it makes my life a while lot easier where I dont have to dig entire gardens each year. I’m looking to learn more about perennial herbs and any kind of low moisture plants ( as I have to pay for water). Beautification is a huge part of what I do, so I need plants that ” keep up appearances” and don’t look weedy.
